Evil Patrick: A New Hope

It was in the Bikini Bottom when I (my name is KenJohnHi) saw Squidward coming out of the ChumBucket. He had a chumhelmet on. I knew he had converted to Planktons side of the war. I prayed wondering where Evil Patrick was. Turned out the answer was right there in front of me. I needed to just go to Krusty Krabs. Which was lamost destroyed after Plankton used ball on it. Since ten years ago Plakton became emperor the Bikini Bottom and I and a few survivors have been fighting a rebellion against him. We consisted of me, Sandy, and that's it. Spongebob was assumed dead after Plakton took over and Evil Patrick was somewhere else eating a cat. So I went to the Krusty Krab and saw Krusty making food for free. He said he stopped caring about money a while ago after Plakton won the war. I took his pizza and ate it in front of him. He and I talked about how we were going to defeat Plakton. I told him Squidward had turned to the bad team because he was tired of his job. Krusty was not surprised as Squidward became a satanist a couple years ago. Krusty gave me a pokeball. He said this was Spongebob's Sandshrew before Spongebob left. Not knowing what to do, I took it. We met with Sandy again and deciced to attack the ChumBucket. long the way we met Gary the snail and that fat car testing chick. We had a team now. Squidward when we were gone used his hyperrealistic beam to destroy the Krusty Krab. Making the evil teams victory that much more possible. Krusty was teaching me how to use that Sandshrew in a battle. We went to a bar and some thugs wanted my money but I told them fuck off and Krusty took out his Staraptor and killed them. We reached teh Chum Bucket and found Squidward there. Right away he took out his Jolteon and found Krusty. Soon enough Squidward won and killed Krusty. But Krusty told ud to get away before he died so we lsitened. We went to Evil pAtrick house were Evil Patrick was and he said fuck off until he learned we were part of the rebellion and he let us in. So we mae a plan and Evil Patrick and I went back to the Chum Bucket. There was robots of the people who in the Bikini Bottom before Plakton took over. I went inside and tried to reach the power button to destory it whiel Evil Patrcik was dealing with the robots. I pressed the button and Evil Patrick led teh robots inside and we ran out just as the fat lady came in and blew up the Chum Bucket and all the robots inside. Squidward was able to escape though because reasons and because he has to be in the two sequels. We had a celebration where we all won a medal. I realized there was a new hope. It was us. Gary, Evil Patrick, Sandy, fat chick, and I. Krusty let himself because he believed in us and that we could destroy Plaktons evil empire and bring Squidward back to the good side.
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